Welcome to the Chancellor’s Point Project blog.

As this rather grassroots program continues to grow in both interest and momentum we hope that this web site will be a beneficial tool. Here members of Historic St. Mary’s City, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and the local community can learn more about and contribute to the process of bringing Chancellor’s Point Natural History Area back to life.

I hope that this will help connect us all to the ongoing discussions of this exciting project.

Please always feel free to contact me by any means.

Mike Benjamin




Click above to view available resources and their projected uses.


  1. Some restoration needs and goals put together by HSMC facilities.

    Re: Chancellor’s Point LNT
    Items to consider: Please add items as necessary to the list
    1. Security
    a. Patrols: Currently SMCM public safety is not contracted to patrol Chancellor’s. However, they are contracted to respond as necessary.
    b. Entrance Gate:
    i. Change lock to a combo lock or,
    ii. Install an electric gate with an entrance code

    2. Quarters
    a. Re-store the apartment side of the existing house?
    i. Restore as a rental?
    ii. Cost estimate for restoration.
    iii. Asbestos survey needed even if restored
    iv. Who does restoration?
    b. Demolish the existing house?
    i. Who does the demolishing? Cost estimate.
    ii. Asbestos survey needed.
    iii. Where to store items currently in the house

    1. Who decides what we keep and where we store it.
    c. Demolish garage?
    i. Asbestos survey needed.
    ii. Items in the garage?
    d. Restore the garage?
    i. What purpose if restored
    ii. Items in the garage?
    e. Restore Tenant house?
    i. What purpose if restored
    1. Safety House?
    2. Classroom?
    3. Computer room?
    ii. Who restores it?
    f. Demolish tenant house?
    i. Asbestos Survey required
    ii. Who demolishes it at what cost?

    3. Sewage:
    a. The site does not perk for a septic system.
    i. Requires either a holding tank, mound system, or compost system?
    1. Existing holding tank condition?
    a. Requires pumping regularly, approx. $150 per service call
    2. Mound system, approx. $30k
    3. My initial research on a compost system indicates that they are more elaborate than a simple out house. The waste has to maintained at a certain temp, rotated, etc.

    4. Water:
    a. There is a well on the property.
    i. It requires health department certification
    1. Certification requires the water sample to pass a test
    a. Probably needs to be treated with chlorine following the health department guidelines
    b. It takes about six weeks from start to finish

    5. Electricity:
    a. Available on the property to the tenant house and main house
    b. Currently turned off
    c. Who pays the bill when turned on to run the water pump to the well?

    6. Trash Removal:
    a. System developed to remove trash

    7. Grounds Keeping:
    a. System developed to maintain grounds including woods and open fields

    8. Communications:
    a. Some cell phones do not work well at Chancellor’s
    b. A land line is available at a monthly fee
    c. No network capabilities at this time.
    i. However, satellite links are available for computers.

    9. Class environment issues:
    a. What is needed to conduct a class?
    i. Visual Aid/Subject requirements
    1. Above ground garden?
    2. River access
    a. Path maintenance
    ii. Seating
    iii. Shelter
    iv. Accessibility
    v. Equipment/tool storage (Tennant House)

    10. Softball backstop:
    a. Stay/Remove? Not needed until this fall
    i. Who removes it?
    b. Where to put it?
    i. It should not be seen from the VC to Plantation walking trail?

    11. Kayak
    a. River Access
    b. Who has access
    c. Chesapeake water trail kayakers
    i. Camping allowed?
    1. If so, camp fires?
    2. Trash?
    3. Security?

    12. M.O.U
    a. Is one needed?
    b. If so, with who?

    13. Future Maintenance Requirements:
    a. Flower bed maintenance
    b. Shelter and/or lean-to structure maintenance.

  2. On composting toilet systems...
    These composting toilets cost less than 2,000 as independant units and have a capacity of 2-5 (depending on product) full time users. Other units, still less than 3,000, can handle up to 7 full time users.
